How to get beautiful skin

Hi dear readers,

today I have something about skincare for you. Every skin is different and you can never be sure that a product that works wonders for you friend works as well on you. But the tips I have for you are pretty easy, it's not about products and it could work for anyone of you!
Wanna know how to get beautiful skin? Learn more:

Drink enough - I know, sometimes I'm not thirsty or I just forget to drink, but if you drink 2 liters a day, it can really improve your skin. Of course, you should drink maily water, it doesn't help if you drink 2 liters a day, but these are just soda and alcohol. Water and juice, mixed with water, are perfect. 2 liters sounds ways too much for you? Try the 8 glasses rule: 1 glas in the morning, 1 in the forenoon, 2 at lunch, 1 in the afternoon, 2 at dinner and 1 at night. It doesn't look like that much now, does it?

Stay moisturized - It's so important for your skin to be hydrated and to stay hydrated. A lot of things can dry out you skin, for example cold weather or harsh skin care products, so you need to give the moisture back to you skin. On the one hand you should drink a lot - as mentioned above - and you should use a good moisturizer and maybe even a hydrating mask. So, after you washed your face in the morning, apply you moisturizer, and if you need to, also at night after cleansing you face.

Find products that work for you - Almost everyone knows that: Your friend has perfect skin, you try the same products she uses, and you skin just gets worse. That's because every skin is different and every skin needs different things. So it's all about knowing your skin and its needs and finding the perfect skin care routing for it. There's almost no other option that trying out and deciding whether it works or not. Just try to help your skin and to fulfil its needs. Also keep in mind that it takes your skin 3 months to get used to skin care products, to if they don't show any results after a week, give it some it. I recommed using up the whole bottle or container before you decide on rebuying it or trying something new.

Eat healthy - Having an unhealthy diet is something that is the cause for skin problems most of the time. But if you eat enought fruit, vegetable and other healthy stuff, you'll get a better skin! You don't have to completely give up pizza and hamburgers, just don't eat them too often.

Do sports - If you do sports a few times a week, and together with the healthy diet, you will notice huge changes in you skin pretty soon. It's all about being fit and healthy.

Don't wear too much make-up - It's sometimes really hard for us beauty junkies: We love make-up, but on the other hand it's ways better for the skin not to wear nay of it. But I guess it can't be too bad for the skin if you wear mae-up pretty often, just look at the ingredients and don't get stuff that is too bad for your skin. And also: give your skin a break from make-up just try to do a few make-up free days a month. If you're alone at home on the weekend, nobody will notice whether you wear make-up or not.

Cleanse you skin - It's so important to wash you skin twice a day! In the morning you can wash of any product you had on your skin over the night and you remove the sweat on your face. In the evening you want to cleanse it well, so all of the make-up and the dirt from the day gets removed. Only when you skin is completely clean, it can breath, it can recover and it is able to absord some product. Cleansing you skin will also remove dead skin cells, a exfoliator would do that, too, but try not to exfoliate you skin too often, once a week is fine.

Sleep enough - Every one knows it, the BEAUTY SLEEP, and it's definitely necessary! While you sleep, your skin can recover and get better. So, Ladys, sleep enough!

I know my skin is far from perfect, but this really works! You can see you skin getting better and other people can do that, too! :)

So I hope you found this helpful! Do you already observe the rules or are some rules completely new to you? Tell me about your experience with skin care! :) I'd like to know.

I'll see you guys later! xoxo, Misch

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