
Hello guys, i wasnt in good mood when creating this nail art but i was trying hard to do my best creating it! I have been staying in Bogor (my aunty's house) and its rainy almost everyday. So the inspiration came from there. And for me, umbrella is one of important things i use to bring when i go walk to uni. I have one umbrella and its cutie blue :)

Im not too happy with the result of this nail art but i still wanting to share here. So, i started with base coat from Pixy as usual, then 3 coats of "White on White" from Revlon as base color.

Pinky Finger : 9 Lady Blossom from Maybelline, white polish for dots and flower, black polish for the stalk.
Ring Finger : blue polish (unknown brand polish), white polish for dots, black polish for the stalk.
Middle Finger : red (Pixy), white polish for flowers, black polish for the stalk.
Index Finger : green (Eternally), white polish for dots and flower, black for the stalk.
Thumb : brown (Pixy), white polish for dots and flowers, black for the stalk

Here it is :

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