Ruby Kisses Cream White & black and white half-moon manicure

Ruby Kisses - Cream White, 3 coats

Cream White is an off-white jellyish creme, quite a classy colour IMO. Judging by the INCI my bottle must be at least half a decade old - non 3BF polishes are great, I get no bubbling with them, ever! But I also got a small dent on one nail while I slept which meant that it never fully dried. :/

Ruby Kisses - Cream White & Wet 'n' Wild - Black Crème, 3 + 1 coats

 I did a half-moon manicure with Wet 'n' Wild Black Crème, using hole reinforcers cut in half as guides. I only added rhinestones to one nail as an accent, but if I were to wear this mani for longer than two days (or to a festive event) I'd add them to all my nails. I have to say that this is a really sophisticated look which I'll be sure to duplicate someday. But now I really want a pair of black & white peep-toe pumps with crystal accents...!

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