Ready for Christmas TAG!

Hey guys,
in a few days it's Christmas! I'm so excited! So here's a tag to get you in the right mood for the holidays!

1. Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie?
I don't think that this one has a english title or anything, but in German it's called "Es ist ein Elch entsprungen" and it's actually a very childish movie for like 7 year olds, but we watch it every holiday season :) it's so cute :)

2. Whats Your Favorite Christmas Color?
I love all of the Chrismas colors, like gold, silver, green, red and stuff...they're all so pretty! But I think the one I like the most is gold :)

3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas?
I live in Germany and here we celebrate Christmas mainly on Christmas Eve, and that's what I dress up for :)

4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be?
Probably my Mom...I mean, I love to give presents to everyone, especially in my family...I always get something for both of my parents, but my Dad always tells us not to get him anything because he doesn't need things - he basically doesn't want us to spend that much money - and so I get something for my Mom, because that's easier anyway, because she loves certain things :)

5. Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?
Christmas Eve, that's how we do it here in Germany.

6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House?
Yes, I actually have, a few years ago, I think it was something like 2007. We made it with the whole family and it was really fun, but also a mess so we didn't do it again ;)

7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?
I like to relax and have a great time with my family, but also to meet my friends after the holidays :) I also go skiing a lot, where I live we have a lot of mountains and snow, so that's great! 

8. Any Christmas Wishes?
Well, nothing like products or something, because I will get some presents from the family and stuff, but something I would ask for is to have a save and happy new year with everyone I love :)

9. Favorite Christmas Smell?
There are a lot! I already did a post about Chrismas scents a while back to show you the ones I like most. I think what I love especially is gingerbread and oranges :)

10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat?
Well, every Christmas my family has a meal together, and we always have Fondue. I love eating that, it just belongs to Christmas to me :)
And for treat, I love cookies. We make our very own cookies every holiday season, and I love them :) Yummy!

I hope you liked it! I tag all of you, I want to know more about you! Tell me about your favorite Christmas things! Or, if you don't celebrate Christmas, change the questions to whatever holiday you celebrate :)
Happy Holidays everyone!
xoxo, Misch

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