Let it Snow...(but just on my nails)

*Whew* I just about had a cardiac. I refreshed my Dashboard to look through my "following" updates and it was blank. It said I wasn't currently following any blogs....?!?!?WHAAAaaa???!!! Luckily another refresh fixed it, but for a moment there...

I know you all know my feelings about the cold. Snow is pretty, it's sparkly (and what girl doesn't like sparkles?) and...and...stretching here (usually) white. But lets face it, it's frozen water and frozen = cold. So I prefer to see my snow gracing the nearby mountain tops rather than being on the ground in my local area...on my driveway, waiting to be shoveled. I like it on my nails now too though. I think it's super pretty.
I used Yoga-ta Get this Blue by OPI as my base color then blinged it up with Revlon Star top coat. (You will recognize that combination from a previous mani) I had to go fishing to get all of the hex glitter, just a normal application makes it rather sparse. Once that was dry (Orly Sec 'n Dry helped with that part) I took a dotting tool and a very fine brush along with some white acrylic paint and hand drew my snowflakes on.
I tried to keep it fairly random
And I my thumb isn't quite what I wanted it to be...but oh well.

Is everyone ready for the holiday? I so am not. My daughter's 16th birthday is tomorrow so I've been scrambling to get stuff done for that. I may be certifiably crazy by the time all is said and done. I guess I better get back to it. Until next time, take care.

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