Holiday nails...

Hi everyone.. Just a quick post for my Christmas nails mani..and some of my previous nail art that i made.. this would be the last photo picture of my long nails.. coz i had a broken nails a few days ago and really cant find things to fix it.. but anyways, I think it would be great as new year is coming soon.." new year for new nails"..  I will be MIA for while for i'll be out of town & will take a short vacation with my family..I will be back soon.. i'll be missing u.. and i promise to create new designs on my short nails... ;)

Hanukkah nails 

"Hapon" (Japanese)
I really dont like this mani.. LOL my nails look so thick
and it's because I got 5 layers of polish in here plus top coat!!
but i really love it for its an Asian accent..

2nd place winning entry from
 Rock Nail art contest by Kelly

and heres the new length of my nails...
"Christmas nails 2010"

"May this Yuletide season usher in LOVE, PEACE and Hope..
May we learn not to focus ourselves in knowing
 what we want and how to get it, 
but knowing what we have and how to share it..
A blessed and Merry Christmas  
Happy New year everyone!! ;)

thanks for looking!! happy polishing!!
"Thank u my Lovelies for following my blog"

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