An Early Spring

I think I've mentioned (more than once or twice) that I am not a cold weather type of person. It does funny things to my skin (considered yourself warned when you see my poor cuticles) and well...I just don't like being cold.
While it hasn't been as cold the last couple of days (the snow is actually melting) it's still not what I would consider warm but since it's not been too bad I thought premature spring mani was in order.

You only get four fingers because I did a major blurp on my thumb and just wasn't feeling the re-do. That and the cuticle on my thumb looks like it's been through the garbage disposal and no amount of lotion, balm or oil can get it photo worthy.

I like my little rosettes, they're so easy. I wish I could take credit for them but alas no, so for those wanting to try, there is a great tutorial on them here.

I used one of my totally awesome QRS polishes in News of the Beloved as the base color. On the ring finger I layered some SH Fire Opal Nail Glaze in Bright Opal over the top and I'm kinda wishing I'd done that on all the nails because it's super pretty. From there I used a dark purple and white acrylic paint for the rosettes with a green acrylic for the leaves. For a little bit more punch I added an eensy weensy lavender jewel in the center of two rosettes, one on my ring finger the other on my index finger. Then topped it off with Orly Sec 'n Dry

Over all I am really pleased with how this turned out. I am really enjoying my little breath of spring. What about you? Do you blame me for wanting an early spring?

In other news, I get to go to Southern California next week! The weather is supposed to be in the 80's and I am super excited! I leave Monday and get back late Friday/early Saturday...unless of course the warmth seeps into my bones and I decide to not come back until it's spring here. ;) Hmmmm, we'll see.

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