I've been bad about posting the last few days. Between school registration, back to school shopping and all the other appointments and 'need to do's' that come along with it I've been lucky to check e-mail. Thank goodness school starts on Thursday because I am so done!
I did manage to make time for a polish change so I'm going to cheat a bit and back post.
First I have to tell you about my latest happy place. I found a bit of a hole in the wall nail supply store that is open to the public and has an AMAZING selection of OPI polish for considerably less than what I can find it for anywhere else (under $7). They also carry Color Club and a very limited selection of Nubar so I've picked up a few of those as well to play with. Their Orly is more expensive than Sally's and they barely have enough China Glaze to sneeze at but anything else nail related you can find there. Empty bottles for frankens, all kinds of acrylic powders, jewels, glitter, 3D bangles and what not's...The works! And prices are more than reasonable. Yes, I am in love. Now on with the polish!
Let me share OPI DS in Sapphire.My first (but not my last) of the DS series and I am in some serious love here. My camera doesn't pick up the rainbow Holo effect very well but it's just beautiful. Even with a top coat it still glowed. I must admit that when I was driving home after purchasing this polish I couldn't stop staring at the bottle to the point where the daughter ended up confiscating it so we wouldn't get in an accident. I now understand the warnings about staring at polish and driving.
Indoors it took on an almost gray cast that was still quite lovely. I couldn't help but wonder if I could get away with it as a military nail but it's probably not a good idea, one wrong flash of light and I'd be busted.I'd read of some people having issues with holo polish application but this went on like a dream. The OPI wide brushes are spoiling me for the narrow ones. The three coats I used went on without streaking and dried fairly quickly.
Now, I'd heard that if you use a top coat you loose some of the holo glow but that holo's on their own don't hold out too well. Since I'm a smudger extraordinaire I've become quite addicted to Sally Hansen's Insta Dri top coat. I took a chance and tested it on my pinky and the holo didn't show any change so the rest of my digits got the same treatment. I did notice a bit of early tip wear but otherwise it was fine.I'm pretty much in love with the Designer Series and while they are all lust worthy I don't feel I need every polish from it. There are several that are must haves though and I'll share as I (hopefully) get them. They're just too nice not to share.