I feel rather frivolous and more than just a bit behind the times creating a blog now. I actually have another blog, but it is more for she who used to be me rather than me as I am now.
This blog I want to be less about my personal opinions and more about all the happy little happenstances that carry me through life.
Like my single trip in months and months to the goodwill store that carried me to a 100% pale ivory Cashmere sweater that was just caressing my hands and saying "Oh Anita, do you have any idea the things you can do with Cashmere? Really darling, just think about it...Feel that? Yeah, that's Cashmere baby, and only $4."
It has been a learn as I go. Two sleeves frogged so far and I look at it and say to myself...what am I going to make with all this cashmere? But then reality saunters in and says Who cares really darling, it's cashmere. (It speaks rather posh and draws out "cashmere" .
That same trip put me in ownership of a lovely pale pink sweater made from a heavenly Angora/Nylon blend that will become something wonderful once it's been frogged and overdyed. Again, only $4.
One thing I've learned, lovely fiber is made more lovely by being knit in the round which alas was not the case for the cashmere. So now I'm left with the question of spit splicing (it just sounds so harsh a treatment for such a sensual fiber) cashmere. Should it be done? It's all a lovely learning curve, and if I botch the whole thing I'll only be out $4 for the fiber, a couple of envelopes of kool-aid for the dye and time involved which really could all be chalked up as fun.
All in all I refuse to have anything but fun with this. My maiden voyage , wish me smooth sailing.